Tuesday, 13 April 2010

The Lone Lavender

There it stood, gently swaying in the breeze

Proud and unafraid, with only the dry woods for company

Unaware of its dazzling charm

Oblivious to the admiration of its beauty

The cynosure of all eyes, strangely untouched and pure

With a blanket of innocence and an aura of allure

It was the object of everyone’s desire
Raw, wild and naïve

Welcoming the odd woodpecker, with doors open to its heart

Yet unmoved, immovable by the winds of change threatening to tear it apart

Refusing to bow to the temperaments of nature

It stood tall as they watched, mesmerised and enraptured

I turned around to see it fade in the distance

When it gently blushed amidst the mesh of thorny bushes

I sighed as I took in the scene

Of the winding path beyond the faraway, lone lavender tree…


  1. That is beautiful writing. A little attention to poetic character and that'd be heartrending.
    who's written this?

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. even without the photo i could have picturised the lone lavender tree. impact of ur words poured in the beautiful poem.

  4. DO IT..DO IT..DO IT !! jus do wat we spoke bout d other day..I totally love it!i told u i wud evn b4 readin it..but dis hs jus bowled me over..way to go girlfriend :)



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